Saturday, August 28, 2010

White Coat Ceremony

Colb is officially on his way to becoming a doctor. We attended his White Coat Ceremony a couple weeks ago where the new medical students are "robed" in their white coats. During the program they talked about the the sacrifice required to become a doctor and the compassion it takes to be an effective doctor. It was really inspiring, and I might have even shed a fear tears. Colb is going to be a great doctor!

He has now completed his first two weeks of classes and loving it. I asked him if it has been everything he expected and he said it was more intense than he thought it would be, but he is doing great, studying a lot, and looking forward to the rest.

White Coat: Check!

1 comment:

Jeana said...

That is awesome! I'm so proud of you guys. With all the docs Kaelyn has seen I realize more and more what a sacrifice doctors make...and of course their wives. Good luck with all the studying!