Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oh Bill!

Nicole has been begging me to put this story up on the blog because she laughed so hard when I told it to her.

I was sitting in class one morning and my phone buzzes. So naturally I think, "That is probably Nicole texting me to check in." I discretely whip out my phone and check the message. It is not Nicole but rather a number whose contact information is not in my phone. I have to preface this by saying that I recently got a new phone because my other phone went crazy and I haven't re-entered a lot of my contacts yet. So I see this 801 number and figure it is probably someone I know. I open the message and this is what it says,

"Hi Laura.
I have to work the day shift today. Can I get a rain check? I'm really sorry.
Hugs Baby.

I almost bust up laughing right in the middle of lecture! So a few minutes later the lecturer takes a 5 minute break and of course I pull out my phone to show my friends. I really don't know at this point what the accepted protocol is. Do I politely tell him it is the wrong number? Or do I just ignore the text altogether? I decide against both of those options and begin typing.

"Oh Bill, you romantic..."

I glance at Sean who immediately adds, "Stallion".

"Oh Bill, you romantic stallion! This is the wrong number!"

The text I receive in response simply says, "oops."

Here's to you, Bill!

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