Monday, March 18, 2013

Going Green

Saturday we ventured down to Chicago for the St. Patrick's Day festivities. There is a parade and the river is dyed green. I found out about it (via Facebook friend's pictures) last year and have been wanting to go since. Colb was willing to go, but didn't know why I was so excited about green water. It reminded me of dragging Janelle to Stonehedge while we were in London. Yes, it's just a pile of rocks, but a very special pile of rocks. Yes, it's just green water, but very bright, emerald green water.

We drove to a park and ride and then hopped on the subway to avoid traffic (probably our best decision of the day). Dev loved riding the "train" and it brought back good London memories for me. It was a typical March Chicago day...cold, breezy, and a bit foggy. We found a good spot to watch the parade and watched until Dev was getting pretty cold. Then we decided to find someplace for some lunch. The crowd was huge and we got stuck in a tight, rowdy bunch trying to leave the parade. It made me a little nervous since we had Dev, but we made it out. There were lots of good, helpful people which is always a relief to see among the college crazy crowd. I am always amazed at what a different lifestyle we live when I have been away from the "world" for a while. We found some lunch, warmed up, and finally went to see the green water. Dev had fallen asleep in Colb's arms by this point, but the water was everything I expected it to be! We walked around a little more and then made our way home. As we got back to the park and ride and walked out to our car Colby had an interesting conversation with a guy that was typical of our day.

Guy: Hey (standing next to his car which we had to walk past to get to ours) I'm taking a pee [politer word substitued].
Colb: What?
G: I'm taking a pee!
C: Now?
G: Yah, I thought I'd tell you since you have your kid.
C: I appreciate that. Just let me know when you're done.
G: Okay, I'm done.

Overall, I don't know if I would go again for St. Patrick's Day, but it was a really fun day and we enjoyed seeing the festivities while we are so close. I love downtown Chicago and we are excited to take a few more visits with warmer weather and smaller crowds. If anyone wants to come and visit us, there is lots to do!


1 comment:

Jeff & Janelle said...

Ahh Stonehenge!!! The coldest and windiest day of my life. But I am glad you dragged me there so I can at least say that I've been. Love the updates on the blog. Also, glad to see that Devri finally has enough hair for pigtails!