Monday, December 5, 2011

Baby Vader

So Grandma informed me that Halloween was a long time ago so I needed to update the blog. It seems like we have done a lot lately and so I would have a lot to blog, but I haven't taken pictures of anything. I looked on my camera for something I could post and and there was nothing so I'm recommitting to take more pictures. In the meantime I snapped a picture of Dev tonight before I put her to bed. As of last night she came down with a really bad cold (that she got from Colby who probably got it from the hospital...probably not the last time that happens.) We've been calling her Baby Vader because she is so congested and has the Darth Vader breathing. She has been a little frustrated, but is still so sweet! She turned 7 months this week! I can't believe how fast the time is passing. We love our sweet Dev!

1 comment:

Heather said...

SEVEN MONTHS?! No way!!! She's adorable :)