Friday, August 14, 2009

1 Year Anniversary!

So, I don't really have any pictures to post at this time. I have been working a big post of the things we have been up to lately and there are some good pictures there. However, the coolest thing happening right now is that we will have been married for a whole entire year tomorrow! I can't believe how fast it has gone by. Since we got married Nicole has finished her last semester of school to get her Master's degree, started working at Ernst & Young and has been there for more than 8 months. I finished my bachelor's and have been working the University of Utah for 2 1/2 months. It is crazy! I wanted to update everyone on this amazing accomplishment and milestone for us. I know that one year is not that long but it is our first anniversary and we are so excited for it! Next, I want to thank Nicole for being such a great wife and friend. I know that I am not the easiest person to live with by far (and I eat cereal for dinner. OK?! I admit it!), but she loves me still the same. She is the best and I couldn't ask for anyone better! I love her so much and she is the greatest and best part of my life! I couldn't live without her! Here is to a great year and many more (plus eternity!) to come!


Unknown said...

Congrats you two! I cannot believe it has already been a year. We absolutely enjoyed spending time with you guys this summer and are sad we can't hang out since we are clear up in Washington. We will just make sure we take even more advantage of the close proximity next summer. Colby you are lucky to have Nicole...take good care of her for me.

The Glad Family said...

Congrats you guys! Doesn't time fly? Hope you are enjoying your summer and time with each other. I'm glad Nicole finally married her "hunkin' Duncan!" Ha, ha. You two deserve the best. Miss you!