So, it has been an interesting month! Since the last post Nicole and I have been pretty busy. Nicole started her busy season and has been working like crazy! I was supposed to go on the Klondike camp but was sick and it was snowing hard so I didn't end up going. As I recovered from my sickness I developed the nice cold sore that you can see in the picture. That weekend we went to Avatar in 3D and had a great time. The young men also took first in the Klondike sled race so we threw a short pizza/wii party for them and had a blast!
Nicole and I went to the Jazz Vs. Kings game on Friday night and then the BYU Vs. Utah game on Saturday. I love to watch the Jazz, especially when they play well which they have been. And of course Nicole had fun watching Kyle Korver! Saturday was actually really busy and as you can see from the picture I clearly love Nicole to pieces because I wore a blue shirt! I still cheered hard for the U though! I am going to try harder to keep the blog up-to-date, but I have a hard time posting without pictures which means I will need to take more pictures.
In other news, Nicole and I are making it through the winter with hopes of a sunny vacation sometime in the coming months. We are also training hard for the Ogden Marathon on May 15th. It is really exciting to be doing it but it is going to be a lot of work! I have an interview at the Medical College of Wisconsin on March 5th and as of yet we have not heard back from the U. We hope that whenever we hear back that it will be good news!